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- BILLBOARD Magazine
"...blend of far-reaching, sophisticated humor, impeccable, sometimes astounding guitar playing and singing..."
- Ann Arbor News
"Rogers delivers these satires in a high-speed, non-stop torrent of perfectly chosen words that paint pictures so vivid they sear the brain with Technicolor imagery...the Florida folk singer [is able to] mesmerize and magnetize...[record] chock full of tales about simple people and country characters."
- CASHBOX Magazine
"...meritorious master of multi-syllabic locution. And he sings and picks a mean guitar to boot."
- BACKSTAGE/Sunday Magazine
"...the stories have achieved classic status. {And no one could possibly tell them like Rogers.} He refers to his delivery as 'embellished' but that's an understatement. It's more like choreographed...it's more than folk entertainment...it's unabashed escapism. You can't escape."
- Baylife/The Tampa Times
"His delivery is reminiscent of a tent-revival preacher, building an audience, drawing from them a kind of unanimous, whooping approval as his words pile up, image after image."
"Calling his monologues 'an excuse in humanism,' Rogers said which has evolved almost entirely during live performances."
"The story is like a Christmas tree and my job is to hang ornaments on it," he [Gamble] said. "I love words rhythms."
"If a label is required, call Rogers a folk singer. It is inadequate, but closer than anything else. In some respects, he is a kind of poet laureate for a seldom-celebrated subculture -- the hard-core Florida cracker."
- The Red and Black
"His colorful songs were punctuated with devilishly delightful monologues which careened through such good ole boy topics as Habersham County, sex, and moonshine, and invariably wound up with a statement of cosmic significance the likes of which would keep William Buckley thumbing through the dictionary for weeks."
- PERFORMANCE/The International Talent Weekly
"Rogers delivers a dazzling stream of language launching verbal curve balls like 'ultimate ontological reality' in the same breath with 'panoply of poodles'."
"{And the stories? Well they just} go on as if he were bent on filibustering Congress. You come to understand in such a moment that, for Gamble Rogers, entertaining is life; most everything else is waiting."
"...Rogers looks out over the audience with that same little smirk, content that he has just given his audience a crash course in one chapter of Americana."
- CASHBOX Magazine
[record] "...captures the witty, loquacious narratives he delivers so effectively with a genuine homespun flair. If comparisons can serve as an apt introduction, then Rogers is a guitarist in the mold of Merle Travis and a storyteller from the front porch of Mark Twain."
"...{But Gamble Rogers} is more than a great singer. He is a superb storyteller with an unmatched command of the English language...his stories are hysterically funny...time after time."
- PERFORMANCE/The International Talent Weekly [Nashville]
"He's a blend of Bob Dylan, Will Rogers and Chet Atkins."
"...here is one of Mankind's universal voices indeed."
"All it takes is listening-- one time." [Gamble] "A lot of performers are uptight and see records as an end-all or be-all thing. To me, recording is an adjunct to performing."
- Chicago Daily News
"...when he plays, his classy picking and repertoire of what he calls 'Southern Gothic Art songs' remind you that first and foremost he's a musician."
"...a simple fun-soaked rendering of 'Caravan' that brought facial glows...a special experience...{his wit and mind} musicianship is 'excellent'"
- Gainesville Sun
"...folk singer, storyteller, humorist, chronicler of the human condition, thrust, parries, jabs and dazzles with words, most of them so purely audacious that his audience can barely come up for air through their fits of laughter...cast of real characters who appear and reappear as Rogers' tales warrant. After a while, they become familiar; like old friends. Some of them really were people he knew."
- Raleigh Times
"Now, juke joint is American for skull orchard."
"Rogers will bring his own form of SDI -- Storytelling Defense Initiative--Rogers calls his work philosophical humor, which covers satire, 'aphorisms, epigrams, bits of common sense that have been around forever.'"
"Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story."
"A man who is half flypaper and half snake oil salesman, his thick voice catches hold and doesn't let go, drawing out words in hypnotic rhythms."
"Even when his guitar is silent, Gamble Rogers' stories continue to sing."
- The Tribune
[Gamble] "I'm a humorist and not a comedian. There's a difference."
"His mind was full of stories because his mother exposed him to classic authors in addition to typical children's books like the Hardy Boys series. He credits authors like William Faulkner, Thomas Wolfe and Joseph Conrad for having a a great influence on his story telling pattern."
- Sentinel
"...takes his listeners down the blue highways of his imagination."
"..They join him on visits to the Pastime Pool Hall, perhaps, or the Williard Texaco Station. They check in with the likes of Still Bill or Big Bubba all inhabitants of Rogers' mythical Southern province of Oklawaha County."
- To define himself:
"journeyman bard, troubadour, humorist and humanist"
© Steady Arm Music.